MAG-IT Surplus
Surplus Inventory for the Industrial Chemical Community

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Vol. 4 No.7
Online Edition
November 17, 2003


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The American Chemical Society (ACS) - celebrated it's 125th anniversary last year. An incredible amount of chemical industry information is available from their home page at If you are in the chemical business you owe yourself a visit to this site.


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In every war pivitol battles are fought, oftentimes thrusting ordinary men into extraordinary circumstances. In what became known as "The Battle of the Bulge it wa s the 99th division which recieved the first thrust of the German offensive. Later, it was the 101st at Bastogne, vastly outnumbered, surrounded and under siege, that American military valour and heroism were perhaps definitely demonstrated.

Characteristics that are still embodied in our men and women in uniform today. A case in point from the recent "major combat" of the Iraq war is "The Battle of Curley". Kudos to The Wall Street Journal for having the courage to publish a detailed account of this story.

Meanwhile the handwring in the media continues. How easy for me to say either "stay the course" or even "let's bail out NOW"; I'm not over there exposed to daily sniper fire and IED's.

Here's some cold hard calculus though. The battle casualties, and I refer to KIA's, do not equal in numbers the KIA on 9/11. Arabs and the Muslim world believe in the concept of blood debt. We should understand the concept ourselves.

Is there a link between al-Quena and the former regime in Iraq? Apparently, as a detailed, 50 point memo that provides evidence for such a link has been leaked to the British magazine The Weekly Standard. I'm dumb as a stump and we're at war; there is no accident in this leaked memo. Watch this story evolve as the Senate of the US investigates the matter of the Administration's justification and march to war with Iraq.

A follow up on the losses at the Baghdad museum. A detailed briefing was held in Washington by the commander of the investigation, Marine Col. Matthew Bogdanos. Saddam Husssein began his great bug-out early on by emptying his prisions. Since he usually killed his political prisioners. So what he released was the criminals, the theives, gangsters, killers, rapists and murderers. Then, at a certain point durng major ground combat the whole regime disappeared. POOF!

Chaos and looting ensued. The Baghdad museum was one of a number of cultural and humanitarian locations notably hard-hit by looters. Turns out that it was most likely a criminaal enterprise that stole the most valuable of the missing antiquities, mainly cylinder seals, at the Baghdad museum. Many, many items thought lost were actually moved for safekeeping or locked away in storage.

Evil nihilism is at work in the world. The goal is the complete destruction of the civilization of man. Just cataloge every major terror bombing or attack this year. It's not just Americans and the coalition military that is under attack. Even Muslims are being killed during Ramadan in the land of Mecca. So that means the Jihadists are basically against everything except themselves. Since we can't just get along and since they won't stop and are intent on killing all of us we must kill all of them.

Nobody likes termites in the house. When they attack there is only one thing to do.

The economy grew robustly the last quarter. The Federal Reserve has not raised rates though. Their action signals the Fed's belief that this is a false spring and we have more economic bad weather on the way. Not exactly what I would like but I just call them as I see them. Don't expect the economy to be out of the woods until the Fed starts raising rates.

We continue to get raw material price increases for the new (not surplus or distressed) chemicals we must buy. Anything with an "ethyl" in it has been hammered. Which is to say almost everything. We shop around as hard as we can but there is no arguing with the cost of gas and feedstocks. Once everyone has gone up in price equally there is nowhere else to go. But you can save money by buying surplus materials, so browse our site, check the listings and find an item you need. We'll save you money and help your profits!

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A 5-year old boy went to visit his grandmother one day. He was playing with his toys in her bedroom while grandma was dusting furniture. He suddenly asked, "Grandma, how come you don't have a boyfriend?" Grandma said, "Honey, I don't want a boyfriend, my TV is like my boyfriend. I can sit in my bedroom and watch it all day long. The TV evangelists keep me company and make me feel so good. The comedies make me laugh. I don't have to cook or clean after my TV. I'm very happy with my TV as my boyfriend."

Grandma stopped working and turned on the TV. The picture was horrible. She started adjusting the knobs and banging on the backside of the TV. She kept smacking it, hoping to fix the problem.

The little boy heard the doorbell ring so he hurried to open the door. When he opened the door, there stood Grandma's minister. The minister said, "Hello son, is your grandmother home?" The little boy replied, "Sure, come on in, she's in the bedroom bangin' her boyfriend."


A drunk stumbles along a baptismal service on Sunday afternoon down by the river. He proceeds to walk down into the water and stand next to the Preacher. The minister turns and notices the old drunk and says, "Mister, are you ready to find Jesus?" The drunk looks back and says, "Yes, Preacher, I sure am."

The minister then dunks the fellow under the water and pulls him right back up. "Have you found Jesus?" the preacher asked. "Nooo, I didn't!" said the drunk. The preacher then dunks him under for quite a bit longer, brings him up and says, "Now, brother, have you found Jesus?" "Noooo, I did not Reverend."

The preacher in disgust holds the man under for at least 30 seconds this time, brings him out of the water and says in a harsh tone, "My God, man, have you found Jesus yet?" The old drunk wipes his eyes and says to the preacher, "Are you sure this is where he fell in?"




If you have a job without aggravation, you don't have a job.

Malcolm Forbes, 1919 - 1990


Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

Thomas Edison
American Inventor


Be careful to preserve your health. It is a trick of the devil, which he employs to decieve good souls, to incite them to do more than they are able, in order that they may no longer be able to do anything.

Saint Vincent de Paul
Roman Catholic Saint, Priest 1581-1660


If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use the pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time; a tremendous whack.

Winston Churchill


Real friendship is shown in times of trouble; prosperity is full of friends.

A. Kuyper
Dutch Statesman, 1837 - 1920


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