MAG-IT Surplus
Surplus Inventory for the Industrial Chemical Community

Vol 2 No. 5                            Online Edition                                 December 2001


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Web Site Design, Development and Implementation - We have completed our latest with a very modest homepage for Suttles Nut Farm. While there are ongoing and pending projects our design team has time available to begin work on your site now! A complete listing of our FY 2000 portfolio (completed projects only) can be found here. Contact The Webmaster to begin your website today.


While the nation's citizens continue to patiently await the ultimate declaration of the winner of the Presidential election and the comics and pundits all make hay over this spectacle we felt compelled by events to get on our rarely used soapbox. Few times during a lifetime do we get to be witness to significant historical events as they unfold in the spotlight. Indeed, every voter in the most recent election played a role when they cast their ballot.

This fight over ballots and ballot counting has so far followed the rule of law, and shows every sign of continuing to follow the rule of law. Texas and Tennessee (or anyone else) have not secceeded the Union, the Federal troops have not marched in to sieze ballots and "restore order". Ordinary folks are continuing to do their ordinary things every day as they have for all of their lives. And the entire world is watching us.

The point to be made here is that if we can't have a fair election and ballot count, with disputes following the rule of law instead of the barrel of a gun, how can we possible expect anyone else in the world to do the same? Free and fair elections are a cornerstone of our democracy, figure prominently in our Constitution and have become a cornerstone of our country's international diplomatic strategy.

The rule of law is the foundation of modern civilization . We have been patiently watching these events unfold, as have most of you. While some of the public rhetoric and posturing by both sides has been regrettable, we note with pride that both sides continue to follow the rule of law. Regardless of the outcome, we believe our country has passed a character test and we are as proud as ever to call ourselves Americans.

the webmaster


Everett W. Hobart of Spencerport, NY couldn't believe his eyes upon finding in the National Catholic Reporter of Jan 28, 20000 an intriguing bonus question from the midterm exam at The University of Washington:

Is hell exothermic or endothermic?

The only student who got an A on the question responded as follows (in paraphrased form):

First, you must know the rate of change of the mass in hell - the rate at which souls are moving into and out of it. You can safely assume that nobody's leaving. Members of most of the many religions contend that members of all others end up in hell, so you can project that all souls go there. Given current birth and death rates, the number of souls in hell - it's mass - can be expected to expand exponentially.

For temperature and pressure in hell to stay the same, the volume must expand as souls are added. This offers two possibilities:

1. If hell is expanding at a slower rate rate than the rate at which souls enter, then the temperature and pressure will increase until all hell breaks loose.

2. If hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls there, then the temperature and pressure will drop until hell freezes over.

Newscripts, C&EN, April 10, 2000, pg 80.


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